Saturday, July 24, 2010

City Club Debate - Another Dudley Debate Failure

I actually understand Chris Dudley's aversion to debating. I don't care for it myself. But debating is about selling ideas. Pageants, parades, rodeos, and candy-throwing events are about selling a man. We're not marrying Dudley, we want to know HOW he will implement his plans for the state of Oregon. Frankly, saying he will assemble a team of people with the brightest ideas sounds a lot like Barack Obama and look who we got in that deal: Rahm Emanuel. And while we're on the subject of teams, I am not exactly impressed so far with Dudley's "team" in their handling this debate blunder (LeRoy Coleman, are you listening?)

If debates don't matter, I've certainly proved it in theory. I posted two reactions to debates with Dudley versus Alley where Alley clearly crushed Dudley and yet Dudley won the primary.

So, uh, what are you afraid of Chris?

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